I have created this course to take you a layer deeper than you’ve ever gone before.

I will guide you to re-write your nervous system’s manual so that you can finally break free from the stress cycle.


Your Re-Write Journey

Module 1: Re-Balance Your Nervous System

In this first 45-minute pre-recorded module, you will gain a deep understanding of your body's stress response and the four dominant nervous system states you’re shifting between every day. You will learn to recognize when you are shifting states, how to navigate these states, and ultimately how to return to a state of calm. The beginning of the course immediately introduces you to how your body can re-set and re-balance it’s nervous system states after becoming activated and ‘triggered.’

Module 2 & 3: Find & Read Your Nervous System Manual

In the following two pre-recorded 45-minute modules, we start really digging in. You’ll learn how to recognize what triggers you in day-to-day life and more importantly, how to start tracking those triggers. This is the foundation to really understand how your nervous system manual is impacting your life in the present.

Then, I teach you how to use this information to read and understand what’s been written into your unique nervous system manual (starting before birth)! These modules will guide you to unpack the relational wounding and trauma that have been a part of your story for decades and keeping you stuck in activated nervous system states. Once you uncover the hidden wounds that have been impacting you, you’ll see a clear link between how shifting into self-compassion and returning to regulation in the present can help you inherently heal the wounds from the past that were keeping you stuck.

Module 4: Re-Write Your Nervous System Manual

In this final 20-minute module, I provide you with the exact script you can use to feel, process, and release the activation from your body when you notice yourself shifting into one of your four activated states. This script is tailored to the work you did in modules 2 & 3 and is rooted in self-compassion. I also teach you a handful of somatic practices that will help your body return to regulation based on which state (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) your body shifted into. This will allow you to close the stress cycle loop and ultimately re-write the manual of your nervous system to no longer hold those triggers as threatening.

Join me on a transformative journey with 'Re-Write Your Nervous System' where we unlock the secrets of what I like to call your 'nervous system's manual.'

This manual, tucked away in the depths of your subconscious, has quietly been shaping your perceptions of yourself, your world, and your life for decades – all without your conscious awareness.

But here's the exciting part: this journey will guide you through the process of unveiling your unique manual. It's like opening a long-lost book and discovering the hidden stories that have been influencing your life.

I am here to help you not only read but also edit and re-write this manual. Together, we'll redefine it, shifting the focus away from fear and threat, and embracing peace and groundedness instead.

This transformation allows you to remain fully present in life's joyful, rich moments with effortless ease. It invites you into a deeper, more nourishing relationship with yourself and others.

Let me show you how.

Who This Journey Is For

Empathetic, Deeply-Feeling Women Ready for Change

How many of these sound familiar?

☑ You are an empathetic, sensitive individual who often feels overwhelmed by the depth of your emotions.

☑ You feel responsible for holding everything and everyone together and making sure it’s all OK.

☑ You seek a deeper understanding of yourself and a more balanced, ease-filled life.

☑ You are ready to turn your sensitivity from something you cope with into something you celebrate and use to your advantage.

I'm right there with you as a fellow sensitive soul and my private practice has been filled with individuals like us, too. So with a wealth of personal and professional experience, I want to guide you to release these shared challenges and embrace the true power of your intuitive and sensitive heart.

What former students are saying…

"I felt like because my childhood was fine/no serious issues and my siblings are more 'relaxed' and easy going than I am, that it meant there was something not right with me. But now I realize that I'm very normal and recognize dysregulation for what it is-- so I can dig in and be curious instead. I feel like the way I perceive myself and my emotions has shifted, significantly and for the better."

— Austin, 2021 Student

“When I feel myself wanting to withdraw and shut down, I am able to recognize that I may need to re-center. I can now look at my stress response as a signal instead of a boiling point. This program has drastically helped me make this shift and I am so thankful. I can look within, validating and strengthening my connection to self and feel so much more at peace. As opposed to how I used to respond, losing myself in my emotions and totally shutting down. Thank you.

— Callie, 2022 Student

"I was having a lot of days that by the end of them, I was very tired, on edge, and was withdrawing socially. The idea of answering a text was annoying to me. This course gave me the push I needed to start listening to my body and what it was trying to tell me, rather than getting annoyed with it. I don't feel 'stuck' anymore when I am experiencing something that triggers anxiety, because now I have a clear idea of what is happening."

- Justina, 2021 Student

I want you to imagine a future where you…

  • Discover that your nervous system can become dysregulated, leading to valid symptoms of burnout.

  • Recognize that these symptoms are not signs of weakness or failure; they are natural neurobiological responses to stress.

  • Celebrate your innate intuitiveness and sensitivity, embracing them as unique strengths.

  • Read and release what's written into your nervous system's manual that no longer serves you so that you can move through your life without feeling weighed down by responsibility and stress.

  • Actively rewrite that manual by approaching daily stress with grounded curiosity and self-compassion, empowering yourself to heal from burnout in a truly sustainable way.

I’m hopeful that this journey will inspire hundreds of students to do the deeper-work that really transforms lives and heals generations to come.

We don’t need to keep passing our cycles of emotional neglect, self-criticism, and chronic stress/burnout down through the generations. As sensitive women, we are often the ones who inherit the task of stopping the cycles of generational trauma within our families.

This can be incredibly dysregulating and often isolating work— and yet it’s also monumentally important.

I am here to make you feel less overwhelmed and lonely— so that you can be empowered to confidently re-write your manual not only for yourself, but for all who come after you.

Join us inside

Some more feedback…

“I have been working with a therapist who I adore for years, but one of the biggest things that I hate about myself is how easily I get angry. I have always said “I guess that’s just who I am.” But when you were talking about chronic dysregulation, I realized, I have been operating dysregulated my whole life.”

— Rebecca, 2022 Student

“I started writing notes from triggers over the last couple of days and I feel like I am finally making good connections. It’s funny because my first instinct was to be like, ‘ok, but these things aren’t a big deal— I am being dramatic.’ But I love that you made a point of how things are different for emotionally intelligent/intuitive people.

— Mikaela, 2022 Student

“I have gained so much insight into how we get ‘stuck’ in childhood experiences and we continue to reference these in the present. It is so incredible to me that realization that my childhood fears connect directly to my misunderstood feelings. Thank you for this course. It has been really enlightening.”

— Sue, 2022 Student

“I have gone through three therapists, two of which I really liked— but even they weren’t digging. This content is quality, Alissa isn’t dishing out basics.

— Ali, 2021 Student

… you’re in good company

Feeling unconditionally understood by another person is not only a valid thing to desire— but an incredibly healing one.

My former students, clients, and online community have shared that my style of educating feels like sitting with a grounded, compassionate friend who wants you to accept and embrace every part of yourself. I aim to be relatable, engaging, empowering, and personable.

More than anything, I want you to feel seen and understood.

So, let’s get to work.