{ like a gym membership for your mind, body, & soul }

Healing in community

Do you have a sense that something is ‘off,’ like you know that something is bothering you or preventing you from relaxing and truly enjoying life.. but you don’t know what it is or how to let it go?

Are you craving being part of a community here in Sarasota? With women who are also seeking to spend their time in ways that are both grounding and energizing?

Do you feel like life is sort of lather-rinse-repeat? Are you desiring to have more plans that get you outside, moving your body, releasing stress, learning new things, being creative, and just enjoying unique experiences with like-hearted women?

I’d love to invite you into our community: Root Collective.

We move, breathe, feel, process, and release in our somatic yoga classes. AND we also have monthly events where we gather to explore Sarasota, learn, play, laugh, and create.

Healing in community involves building safety and trust in others AND a willingness to become intimately connected to yourself.

Somatic yoga creates the space you need to go inward and rediscover yourself—the you that lives underneath all of the stress you’ve been carrying.

Our events + post-yoga hangouts create the space to go outward and rediscover how it feels to be in community when your nervous system is regulated and open for authentic connection.

Think of The Collective membership as a gym membership for your mind, body, & soul.

Is The Collective right for you?

  • You’ve been seeking relationships, friendships, and community that feel nourishing and easy.

  • You know you’re kind of floating through life on autopilot and that your body is locked in a state of stress:

    • irritability; lack of patience; loss of creativity; exhaustion, depletion and burnout; anxiety and overwhelm; ruminating thoughts; difficulty being present; relationships feel effortful; downtime is challenging

  • You lead a busy life and are often pulled in many directions. You want to be able to choose the events that feel like a full body YES and pass on the events that aren’t calling to you, without feeling like you’ve wasted money or let people down.

  • You are craving a different way to spend your time. You want someone else to plan meaningful, intentional, and enjoyable experiences that you can opt-into whenever you desire.

  • You want to be led by a practitioner who is well-trained and that you can trust to create safety, have integrity, and also have fun.

  • You’d love to have the option to practice from the comfort of home, on-demand and whenever you need.

Thoughts from our members

  • Root Collective is exactly what I needed and have been looking for.

    Aligned sisterhood, and like-hearted community, all focused around listening to our bodies' wisdom and being willing to do the inner work. I love this group so much and forever grateful! Thank you Alissa

  • After just a few classes, I felt myself handling everyday stress better—less reactive to my husband and daughter.

    I joined Root Collective because I felt a strong pull to do so. I hadn’t even taken Alissa’s class before, but I knew I had to be there. My mindset needed a shift, and I was too dysregulated to do it alone. Being surrounded by women working through similar challenges felt like a warm hug. I know I’ll carry this experience with me wherever I go. I’m so glad I joined!

  • Joining Root Collective has been one of the best decisions I have made in a long time!

    I have met so many wonderful women and we've shared so much special time together. Between the connections, experiences and soul nourishing practices, I really can't say enough how thankful I am for all that Root Collective is!

  • Root Collective has been an absolute gift in my healing journey.

    The weekly somatic yoga classes provide such a grounding space for nervous system regulation, and the community gatherings are a breath of fresh air—filled with like-minded individuals who uplift, support, and encourage one another. It has been incredibly timely for me as I transition into a deeper chapter of healing and growth, and I am beyond grateful to be part of such a nurturing and empowering group. If you’re looking for a space to heal, connect, and grow, Root Collective is truly something special. Alissa is magical and she’s not only welcoming but her messages always feel like she’s speaking directly to me which is so safe and comforting.

  • Root Collective has introduced me to a group of amazing women I otherwise never would have met.

    I’m incredibly grateful to be on this journey, rediscovering myself while building the community I’ve been lacking and so desperately looking for.

  • It’s allowed a sisterhood to form with women of all backgrounds and I truly appreciate that

    RC came at a time when I didn’t realize I’d need it so much. I went to my first yoga class shortly after a friend had unexpectedly been taken from this earth. It was so healing to just be in nature— moving my body and crying/releasing in a safe space where it wasn’t weird if I did. But allowed. That was a blessing. So many of us need to connect with others who may not be just like us, but who all are heart centered. I think that part of it is really beautiful.

What’s included:

  1.  Friday morning Somatic Yoga for Releasing Stress + Emotions ($30 per class value)

    This weekly class from 9-10:30am combines somatic movement, nervous system regulating practices, and a class theme with guided journaling + group discussion that invites us to collectively spend time in self-reflection.

  2.  A calendar of events that I am always adding to on our membership portal

    On average, you can expect 2 events per month in addition to our weekly Somatic Yoga classes. Our events will predominantly be on weekends or evenings. You can choose to attend or not attend whatever you’d like!

  3.  A small online library of 10-15 minute somatic movement videos

    The videos are tailored to different needs: assessing your nervous system state, how to shift out of a freeze state, how to shift out of fight/flight, how to release what you’re holding, how to connect to your intuition, etc.

  4. You can choose your membership commitment (month-to-month, 3-month commitment, or 6-month commitment).

    The longer you commit to RC, the lower your monthly investment becomes.

Whether you find a best friend or simply have a space to decompress & let stress melt away while enjoying the company of like-hearted women... it is my goal for our classes & events to be healing for us all

Is a membership not the right fit for you right now?

Join my Somatic Yoga class here >>

There is no wrong way to do Somatic Yoga. You get to decide how you flow on your mat. Or, how to hang out in child’s pose for as long as your body needs. Whether you’re completely new to mindful movement, or a seasoned yogi, this class will teach you how to move based on your own intuition.